Friday, August 19, 2011

Crustless Leftover Quiche

Easy to make Quiche that makes it's own crust and can be made with ANY filling
This is 1 of those dishes that can be put together in minutes and you can use pretty much anything.

I can't put down an exact recipe for this because there is none you use what you have. I had leftover mince from the pap and mince lasagne and some smocked chicken, broccoli and roast tatos from the night before. Don't worry I froze the leftovers of the mince and just defrosted them in the fridge. So all I do is spray and cook a quiche dish or any pie dish actually any glass dish will work. Add all your leftovers into the dish and flatten them nicely spreading it around. Now this is the mix you can use for any quiche you want to make.

6 Eggs
1 Cup milk, I use buttermilk or sour milk or cream or sour cream or even yogurt but more often than not I use sour milk. You know how you sometimes get that last cup or two of milk that goes sour before you get to use it, I freeze it and pull it out for this dish. Makes the batter nice and tart.
1 packet of a cheese sauce, those instant sauces that you normally mix with water and use on veggies. I like the bacon and cheese sauce most.
1/2 flour, self rising or plain it makes no difference in this dish.
2tsp baking powder
Extra milk however much you need to make sure the sauce it the right consistency. It needs to be the thickness of pancake batter, pourable but stir easy to stir.

Mix everything together in a bowl and beat it to make sure the lumps are all gone. Pour the batter over the leftovers and stick a fork in it a few times to make sure it goes all the way to the bottom, DON'T stir it just punch some holes it. The mixture will form a crust of sorts, and hold the whole quiche together.
Now cover it with cheese, whatever type you like most. I used parmesan on the chicken and veggie quiche and cheddar on the mince.
Put it in the oven and bake for 20 min of 190, take it out and stick a knife in the middle if it comes out dry it's done if not put it back for another 10 minutes watching it carefully.

Once out let it cool and serve while warm with chutney or pickles. It makes great leftover for lunch boxes the next day, lovely cold.

 Porcupine potatos

1 potato per person and 1or 2 extra for the next day cause someone will want it.
Mix whole grain mustard with a little olive oil.
Pop the tatos in the micro for 10 min and poke at least 2 holes on either side.

Once they are done and have cooled a little slice them about halfway though and stick a few rosemary tips into the slots, now drop them into the Mustard mix and use your hands to coat them nicely in the mix.  Put them on a tray and grind S&P over the top and bake them for 10min then take out and cool down, I like to eat the crispy rosemary with the tatos but Ty hates it so does Ronin, he also does not like the mustard coasting so you can see in the pic there is 1 plain 1 that is just coated in olive oil and S&P for him.  They are best served Hot.   Add a cold side salad of your choice for a easy cheap supper.

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