Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Banana, Cheese & Honey Stuffed French Toast

2 eggs
1/4 cup cream
1 Tot brandy
4 tsp muscavado sugar

Mix the above together and beat lightly in a bowl

2 bananas mashed
2 tsp honey
1 handful grated mozaralla cheese

mix together and spread over cake slices, now

Take 8 slices of banana/carrot or madira cake and make a sandwich with them, then dip the sandwich in the eggy mixture and place in a nonstick pan (no oil or butter - but a light spray of spray and cook is fine if U prefer)
Cook on either side for about 3 min or until golden brown - don't make the stove heat to high, Med is fine!

Take out and dust with confectioners' sugar and drizzle with honey. Serve when warm.

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Lemon, Garlic and Mustard Chicken

1 whole chicken
1 lemon cut in half
Big chunk of butter
1/2 cup of wine
Put all the above in the micorwave for 20min and nuke on Med.
Take out micro and throw in bowl melt a little more butter, 2 tsp wholegrain mustard and good soya sauce in micro Spread over chicken when melted Add chopped potatos and cover with foil NB ....I Chopped up tatos and nuke for 10 min in hot water before adding them to the pan to bake in the chicken juices Cook for 30 min and take out 2x to baste the chicken and tatos in juices. Take tin foil off and grill for 5/10 min then serve I am soooooo gonna make this again it is delish!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Apple Sours and Basil Sorbet

5 apples, cored and roughly chopped
1 1/4 cups apple juice
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
1/8 tsp Cinnamon or 1 stick
Juice of 1 lemon
1 handful of Sweet basil leaves
2 Tots Apple Sours (optional)

Simmer everything in the water and juice (and apple sours if U using it) on the stove for 30 min, take off and cool in fridge. Once cool throw everything (except Cinnamon stick if U used it) in a blender/smoothy maker and mix for 1 min or till totally pulvarised. U R suppose to push everything though a sieve but I did not, I like the roughness of it just like that. Pour into a bowl and freeze. Mine took 1 whole day to freeze nicely.

Serve with a fresh basil leaf on the side and a few slices of apple to decorate.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Roasted Veggies, Olives, Cheese and Honeyed Bacon on Ciabatta

Made this for supper last night and it was soooooo nice.

Roasted some red onions, green/red/yellow peppers, spring onions and baby vine tomotos, then mixed then with diced black olives and balsamic vinigar. Baked some back bacon in the oven but drizzled it with honey before putting it in. Cut the bread in 1/2 placed under grill for 5 min on either side, drizzled with olive oil and rubbed with a garlic clove then added the topping and layered the bacon and grated cheese on top, and sprinkled with fresh parsely.

Served it with a glass of wine spritzer with a few berries in to add that summery feeling to the meal.

It was very nice and that drink is my new favorite!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Honey Baked Chicken Breasts

Dinner tonight is Honey Baked Chicken breasts with herbed rice and baby potatos in lemon butter. Here is the chicken recipe, very easy and comes out soft as trentons bum after a bath and cream down ;)

1/4 cup oil
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp lime/lemon juice
1/4 tsp paprika
1 seasoned salt (opt)
2-4 chicken breasts, cut in half

Mix everything together and warm them in the microwave just to melt and thin the honey a little. Arrange chicken in a dish sprayed with spray and cook or oiled. Bake uncovered at 200. about 35 minutes, basting pieces in the marinade without turning them, every 8-10 minutes or until nicely browned. As soon as U take them out the oven, let them stand for 10 min to "juice up"

Make the rice as per usual, add 3 tbsp mixed herbs into the rice 5 min before it's finished cooking. Any herbs are fine, parsley/corriander/chives/thyme whatever U have on hand, fresh is best but dried work too.

Boil the tatos for about 15 min, then take them out the pot and throw them in a pan with a pinch of tumeric sprinkled over them to give them a nice golden colour. Fry in a HOT pan that has been strayed with spray and cook for 5 min, flipping over often. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and a blob of butter into the pan just before take them off and swirl them around. Sprinkle with crushed black pepper and sea salt and.....

Wham bam thank U mam a really nice easy dinner! :)

Drunken Cinnamon and Vanilla French Toast

I made some lovely french toast for lunch today. It turned out really nicely.

2 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 tot brandy (less if U prefer)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (NOT essence, if U have a vanilla pod, scrap out all the pips and throw them in)
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
dash nutmeg
1 sprinkle of ground chillies flakes - NOT chilli powder (optional)
8 slices of bread/banana bread

In a shallow bowl, whisk egg, brandy and milk,add in the vanilla, cinnamon, chilli and nutmeg.
Melt a blob of good butter in a heavy pan over medium-hot setting and fry toast on both sides after dipping in egg, Take out once both sides are done and redip in egg, then refry.

While it is still hot, sprinkle with Muscavado/caramel or brown sugar and sprinkle with cinnamon lightly, then squeeze a lemon over it, serve with a few frozen berries or just as is.

It was sooo Good, I am gonna make it again! The chilli gave it a nice little Ziiiiiiip every now and then :)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I forgot in my last post to tell U about the eggs *blush*

Beat the eggs and use them to brush the pastry BEFORE adding the filling, it makes it go crispy and then use the rest as a mix with the smash, that is why you only add 3/4 water to the smash.

Chicken Sweet Potato and Broccoli Pot Pie with a Cheesy Mash Crust

On of my friends posted some pics today of her beautiful daughter eating sweet potato, boy was I hit with a sweet potato craving. So I decided to try something new, and so far it is smelling delish and looking very good.

This is how the recipe goes:

500gms chicken breasts deboned and skinned
3 cup boiling water
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup chopped sweet potato
1 cup snow peas
1 cup broccoli
1 packed chicken noodle soup
1tsp paprika
1tsp garlic powder
1tsp crushed black pepper
1tsp salt (added last)
1tsp turmeric
1tsp black mustard seeds
1 handful of fresh flat leaf parsley
2tsp bisto gravy powder
2 eggs
1 packet of smash instant mash
3 handfuls of good cheese
1 roll puff pastry (defrosted for 1 hour before use)

Ok that looks more complicated then it really was. *blush*

1st put the water in a pot on the stove on high, add the whole chicken breasts, add packet of soup and cook on high for 3 min then turn it down and simmer for 10min.
Now add all the spices excepting the salt, you add that at the very end. While the chicken is simmering away peel sweet patats and carrots (if U want, they are fine with the skins on) chop them up roughly, they don't have to be perfect little squares or anything *rolling eyes*.
Throw them in the pot with the chicken and simmer for 20 min.

While that is cooking *u should be getting some awesome smell about now* find a dish to make the pie in and line it with the pastry, be sure the spray the dish with spray and cook or butter it nicely. Make sure the pastry covers the whole dish.

Now fish out the breasts and lay them on a chopping board roughly tear them apart with 2 forks, no clean cut edges needed. Once they are tore apart put them back in the pot and stir in. mix the 2 tsp's of Bisto with a little cold water and add it to the pot and stir in. Your sauce should be nice and thick now. Put the lid on and simmer for another 10 min. While that is going pull your broccoli apart into little "trees" and snap the snow peas in half. Now make the Smash as the instructions on the packet say BUT use only 3/4 of the water needed and add the handfuls of cheese to the mix. When you are done, add the Peas and Broccoli to the pot and IMMEDIATLY pour the pie filling into the lined dish. Blob the smash on top and spread all over, use a fork to make little peaks in the smoothed mash and pop the dish in the over for 30/40 min at 250 degrees. Place under the grill for the last 5 min to brown the mash and serve with some garlic bread or salad.
